Weight Loss Tips – Get Ready for Spring

According to the CDC, over 70% of American adults aged 20 and over are overweight, including obese. The percentage of adults aged 20 and above who are medically obese is around 40%, which means they have a body mass index greater than 30. While a lot of factors can cause obesity, the best way to lose weight boils down to nutrition, staying active and the behaviors of a healthy lifestyle.

Always remember that the journey toward achieving a healthy body weight is not a sprint, but a marathon. When you want to lose weight, the effort should be focused on improving nutrition habits.

Here are a few healthy nutrition and wellness tips for weight loss to get started:

  1. Eat breakfast every day. The National Weight Control Registry reports that approximately 78 percent of individuals who are successful with weight loss have a healthy breakfast every day. Eating breakfast keeps you from getting too hungry, grabbing unhealthy snacks at work or overeating later in the day. Ask one of our doctors what they recommend for breakfast meals.
  2. Drink a glass of water if you are hungry. Sip, rather than gulp. When you are finished, you may find you are no longer hungry. Not only does staying hydrated help your body’s metabolism, it also helps control appetite.
  3. Carry a pocket daytimer and write down your carb count, protein count and fat count for every item you eat. If you prefer, do this with a food journal instead and write down types of foods and portion sizes. Review it once a week to alert yourself to patterns you need to change. We offer the EZ Diet Planner and Fitness Tracker® to our patients, which is a powerful app you can use right on your phone.
  4. Find an “accountability partner”. The key, however, is for it to be a true partnership – a two-way team. Check in with each other at least once a week and discuss what you’ve had problems with in your weight loss campaign. Brainstorm solutions together.
  5. If you have problems with portion control, buy portion-controlled snacks in their own individual packages. And if you are an after-dinner muncher, allow yourself one of these packs, instead of raiding the fridge or opening that family-sized bag of potato chips. Using small plates for your meals is a good way to help with portion control.
  6. If winter curtails your outdoor weight loss exercises, find creative alternates. Invest in an exercise DVD or find an online exercise program for a home exercise routine; invest in a stationary bike or a treadmill. Make sure your routine is fun so you will keep it up!
  7. If you are dieting, make sure you get lots of rest – and take care of any sleeping difficulties. Studies have proven that glucose stops metabolizing properly in the sleep-deprived, creating irresistible cravings for carbohydrates.

Always remember it’s not just about the number of pounds lost. Obesity is a disease that can affect many aspects of your well-being. Even a 5-percent reduction in weight can substantially reduce overall health risks. Being consistent in your journey will give you the greatest success.

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Dr. Fisher
This article was reviewed and approved by Dr. Fisher. Dr. Jon Fisher is a Board Certified Family Physician and a recognized authority on How to Lose Weight, lower cholesterol and body contouring in a medically supervised environment. Read his full bio