Dr. Fisher’s office in Feasterville is filled with nothing but the nicest kindest staff ever. They are all so helpful and the doctors there are amazing.
Dr. Fisher's medical weight loss program is a proven way to lose pounds and feel healthier! You can improve your overall health while attaining an ideal healthy body size with Dr. Fisher, Philadelphia's top-rated bariatrics doctor.
For over 30 years, Dr. Fisher's safe and proven diet plan has helped thousands of people like you achieve their desired goals for safe weight loss in a scientifically proven way. The program is science-based and medically proven to help people just like you attain their ideal healthy body size while improving their overall health. In addition, the program is customized for each patient based on their individual needs and lifestyle.
Dr. Fisher is one of Philly's most respected trusted board certified weight loss doctors - he and his experienced team will help you reach your desired weight loss goal.
Dr. Fisher's Medical Weight Loss Program is a doctor-developed and clinically proven plan that will help you get to your desired weight in an easy way, no matter your age.
The program is tailored to each patient's needs and desired outcome.
Dr. Fisher's weight loss plan begins with a thorough health assessment and blood tests. If needed, FDA approved medications can be prescribed by Dr. Fisher which may help increase the rate of weight loss. You'll have regular appointments with Dr. Fisher and his team so they can monitor your progress and adjust your individualized treatment plan along the way - there is no one size fits all when it comes to managing weight loss.
In conjunction with Dr. Fisher's proven diet plan, FDA approved appetite suppressants are used to help control the cravings you may encounter.
Together with a healthy diet and exercise, Dr. Fisher's Diet Shots can speed up the process of fat breakdown and improve your weight loss results.
Dr. Fisher may recommend meal replacement bars and/or shakes to assist in your weight loss efforts. Other uses of meal replacements include:
At Dr. Fisher's Medical Weight loss Centers, they understand that even the best weight loss plan will only work if you can follow it. That's why Dr. Fisher offers the EZDietPlanner & Fitness Tracker™ FREE to patients in his medical weight loss program. This handy app. allows you to easily follow the calorie specific meal plan and activity schedule Dr. Fisher prescribes for you right from your phone, tablet or computer!Schedule a FREE Consultation with Dr. Fisher
*The results described in these testimonials may not be typical. Individual results may vary. The testimonials are for illustrative purposes only and are meant to showcase some of the results Dr. Fisher's Medical Weight Loss & Aesthetic Centers have produced. To see more case studies, click here.
Join Dr. Fisher's Medical Weight Loss Program and you'll be given a private username and passcode to the Body Focus EZDietPlanner & Fitness Tracker™. In addition to providing you with Dr. Fisher's HCG Diet, this handy app gives you the flexibility to exchange any of the foods with one from the database of acceptable food choices. It also lets you track changes in weight and record your body measurements all in one place.
Each day simply log in from your computer, phone or tablet to follow your diet plan and record your progress. And since this system is offered through Dr. Fisher's office, his medical team can log in and monitor your progress between office visits.
To get started with Dr. Fisher's Medical Weight Loss Program contact his office today to schedule a FREE Consultation.
You deserve the best care possible when it comes to losing weight. That’s why we offer free consultations so you can get all of your questions and concerns answered, or to just feel more comfortable with our program in general before making any life-changing decisions! If you are ready to take the next step, call their office today and their friendly staff will be happy to schedule your FREE Consultation with Dr. Fisher!
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