Featured Doctor
Dr. Jon Fisher
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Fast Weight Loss Clinics Near Whitman PA

Dr. Fisher’s Medical Weight Loss and Aesthetic Centers located at 2543 Broad Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19148 offers the following services:

city building in Philadelphia near the weight loss clinic


Medspa services are offered, including:


Call Dr. Fisher’s office to learn more about the above services or to make an appointment.


Directions to Dr. Fisher’s Office on Broad St.

  1. Dr Fisher’s office is conveniently located a few minutes walk from Marconi Plaza, near the intersection of Broad St, W Oregon Ave and W Moyamensing Ave.
  2. If coming on the Subway, the office is a few minutes walk from the Oregon Subway Station.
  3. The closest bus stop is at Broad St & Porter St.


About Whitman PA


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