7 Dieting and Weight Loss Tips

Fast and unhealthy weight loss is a widespread obsession in today’s culture On a daily basis, we’re bombarded with unrealistic body messages on TV and social media. Judgments are focused on physical appearance, plus we pressure ourselves to be the perfect size every time we look in the mirror.

When it comes to sustainable, long-term weight loss, slow and steady is the name of the game, along with healthy sustainable habits. Anyone who has lost weight and kept it off will tell you it’s a journey of lifestyle changes – not a 1 day or one week sprint.

Below are 7 habits and mindset tips that will help you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way.

  1. In the first 2 weeks of weight loss you may lose 7-10 pounds. It is a jump start and will give you self confidence. After that a slow and steady weight loss is best, to get you to your goal and stay there.
  2. If water makes you gag, try a dash of lemon or lime juice; or a squirt of flavoring made for water. But do persevere, because the human body is just like a car battery: It needs water to properly conduct electrical impulses and keep cells healthy.
  3. Find your “trigger” foods. These are not so much the ones we are addicted to, but instead think of them as the ones that keep us observing bad dietary habits. For example, if coffee with cream in the morning makes you crave sweet, sugary carbs to go with it, try switching to tea with lemon and honey; or to green tea.
  4. There is no perfect diet that fits all. It is important to create a regime that suits your body type and genetics, your ability to exercise, your opportunity to exercise, your food tolerances and allergies – and your likes and dislikes.
  5. Don’t think of dieting as “deprivation”: Think of it as creating a healthy new lifestyle that gives you incredible energy and well-being.
  6. Carry a pocket daytimer and write down your carb count, protein count and fat count for every item you eat. If you prefer, do this with a food journal instead and write down types of foods and portion sizes. Review it once a week to alert yourself to patterns you need to change. Our patients use the EZ Diet Planner and Fitness Tracker to enter their food intake and exercise information.
  7. Carry healthy emergency snacks to help you resist temptation when out and about. Keep them in your car, locker or office, as well as carrying a few in your purse. Make sure they are of good quality – and don’t forget to carry a bottle of water. Our protein bars and shakes are good sources of nutrients and can be used as a healthy snack or meal substitute.

Creating a well thought out approach to weight loss is the first step in developing a healthy relationship with your body. With the support of our medical team, we’ll help you achieve your weight loss goals and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

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Dr. Fisher
This article was reviewed and approved by Dr. Fisher. Dr. Jon Fisher is a Board Certified Family Physician and a recognized authority on How to Lose Weight, lower cholesterol and body contouring in a medically supervised environment. Read his full bio