best medical weight loss programs

Change Your Life – Lose Weight Now!

Did you know that just being a few pounds overweight increases your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other weight related health issues? Well it does, and these are just a few of the many medical conditions related to obesity. High blood pressure, cataracts, stroke, liver disease, lung disease and joint problems as well as multiple cancers (breast, ovarian, colon, prostate and others) are also much more prevalent in obese patients. So if you are looking to make a lifestyle change, weight loss can add good quality years to your life.

Losing weight is not easy though. If it were, then everyone would be in great shape. As it turns out, most of us have no idea how to eat correctly to lose weight and maintain. We have all been “brain-washed” in to thinking that what we are eating is healthy when it is usually just full of sugar or fat. Most people also think that you need to eat a low fat diet in order to lose fat. This is far from the truth. Most people don’t have any idea how many calories they need to eat per day in order to lose weight or the best type of exercises to do. The other day I saw an obese diabetic patient who said she had seen an endocrinologist recently and was told she needed to lose weight. The physician placed her on a 2000 calorie diet and scheduled a follow-up visit. The patient was gaining weight. Upon workup in our office, the patient’s basal metabolic rate was only a little above 1500. Therefore, she would never lose weight on a 2000 calorie diet (unless she burned over 500 calories a day with exercise…which would take her more than 60 minutes a day on the treadmill).

At our centers, we take the guesswork out of weight loss. We perform body composition testing so you know exactly how many calories you are burning daily and exactly how many pounds of fat you should lose each month. We want to make sure that you lose your weight quickly but also safely so we give you a breakdown at the end of each month showing you exactly what you lost. We have an online diet planner to plan your meals and a fitness tracker so you and I both can monitor your progress. We have several programs for weight loss to choose from such as our Rapid and Standard Weight Loss Programs and our hCG program.

We also have body shaping programs such as Mesotherapy and Zerona. Most patients say our programs are the easiest things they have ever done. The best part about our weight loss program is that it works every time! You also get to eat real food! There are no shakes, bars, meal replacements or liquid diets to follow. You can easily follow this program at any restaurant. When you are finished, we tell you exactly how to maintain your weight loss long term by telling you how many carbs and calories you can have per day when you reach your goal weight.

If you are serious about weight loss in order to improve your overall health and well-being, then my Rapid Weight Loss Program may be right for you. Call our office to make an appointment to discuss our Rapid Weight Loss Program further. The no–obligation consultation will be free.

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Dr. Sattele
This article was reviewed and approved by Dr. Sattele. Dr. Sattele received his medical degree from the University of South Carolina, School of Medicine in Columbia, SC in 1995. He completed an Internal Medicine residency at Richland Memorial Hospital in Columbia, SC from 1995 – 1998, serving as Chief Resident in 1998. Read his full bio